Container Homes in Costa Rica


The shipping container business in Costa Rica began just less than 15 years ago. Now you can locate many shipping container homes and container offices all throughout the country of Costa Rica. Most of the shipping container homes in Costa Rica are located in the backcountry, off the beaten path. Most shipping container homeowners live on large lots, off the main roads. Many of these folks were able to avoid Costa Rican building permits. The rules for construction in Costa Rica do not seem to apply 100% to the container home construction. Each municipality and local government has different rules and regulations, but not to different. The big deal in Costa Rica with Container homes and their permits are f the location and size of the home. If someone were planning to build in the center of the city and using shipping container home construction then they would need to consult an architect regarding these permits. If the size of the home is a finished single container where everything is enclosed then there should be a lot of flexibility in the permit processing. The sq/meter size of a finished 40ft home is 29 sq/m. This is just below the size that requires all the permits and blue prints. But, the law just changed recently and apparently you need all the proper permits, blueprints and signatures on all paperwork regarding the size of the container home. However, not all municipalities care about this. This is strange, and we have discovered that many local municipalities still follow the older rules and only require a basic drawing of the home. You will need to get a septic permit, and an “uso de suelo””(Use of the land). But everything else is still in question.

The container home construction companies in Costa Rica do not guarantee and of the permits. This is because there are many factors involve that require someone to go out to the property and inspect it as well as file all the paperwork with the local municipality. This can be very time consuming if your client lives 5 hours away from where you liv and work. We generally just focus on building the container home like an RV. The client buys it and picks it up, or we deliver it. They pay for transportation and crane costs and we handle the work on our end. Stress free.

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Emergency Shelter Homes for Post Disaster Relief.

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